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 Refresh Your Life Today

Do you find yourself curious for inspiring and innovative ways to refresh your unique and amazing life?

Hello Life Adventurer,
I see you there amongst your incredible effort to grow, embody, and live life to the fullest. 
You are a maverick, a trailblazer, and completely authentic. Your heart leads your decisions and sustains your wise empowerment.
You are ready to embrace the music on the dance floor of life with all your grace and just enough grit to hold your own.  If you could only get a 'heads up' on the cosmic music that would be playing tomorrow, you would be ready to seize the day.
Understanding your wanting of next level inspiration, innovation and refreshment is why I am here for you as Your Life Refresh Coach. I've got your back!
Start with our Refreshing Energy Update Subscription and see your life refresh with grace and ease.
---Laura Ann Garris
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Life Refreshing Updates that fit into your unique schedule

All clients will be contacted by Laura Ann Garris for initial overview session.
Clients will need to provide date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. 

Private Coaching for Living Your Refreshing Life 

Understanding your unique energy blueprint allows you the opportunity to refresh yourself at a deep level.  Having a dedicated Coach by your side provides accountability, clarity, and perspective in taking the next steps.

I've got your back... With a customized Coaching package to fit your specific life refresh goals including:

  • Virtual Reiki Energy Support
  • Deeper Mapping Your Refreshing Life Exploration 
  • Astrocartography
  • Intuitive Visualizations  
  • Mindset Affirmations
  • Moon Cycles & Intentions 
Schedule a Call to Apply now for Private Coaching. Start Living Your Refreshing Life Today!

Hi, I'm Laura Ann Garris.

I'm ready to coach you to understand the CYCLES, PATTERNS, AND WISDOM of your unique energy blueprint. By learning conscious tools that reveal more of your authentic virtues, hidden superpowers, and creative cadence, you will feel completely REFRESHED as you come back to your RADIANT SELF. 🌿💜

I’ve found with my clients as well as in my own life experiences, that when we are refreshed and radiant, we create a ripple effect of positive change in our families, communities, and the world at large.

I would love for you to feel authentically refreshed and radiant! By choosing to trust your intuition, activate your authentic virtues and understand your unique energy blueprint, a new level of conscious growth can be revealed.

With my signature blend of multi-layered tools of energy healing, creativity, ancient wisdom, and coaching techniques, I can guide you to feel better and re-claim your authentic superpowers.  

You can make it through your current challenges and start Living Your Refreshing Life. This doesn't have to be tomorrow. You can start now!

Are you ready to take a step into that RADIANT Life Refresh Waterfall feeling?

Let’s turn your life around!
Laura Ann Garris